Tuesday, March 2

March Madness...

Happy March! i wanna be excited to say that its my birthmonth but i would also rather not get my hopes up lol so we'll see how it turns out. but i have to say so far its been great! finally in touch with the world again now that i have a phone after a month of being phoneless pretty much hah! i also completed my financial aid for school (finally!) so i'm crossing my fingers that i'll get some sort of aid this yr!

so this is kind of a compilation of a few Obey drawings i came across &a few random doodles i added on myself lol

this memoboard was too cute to pass by plus it was on sale for only $3 at Kohls!

starting up a scrapbook (finally) with tons of photos that i used to have up on my walls. its not much but i'm looking forward to putting a little something in everyday =)

so how was everyone's weekend? i'd have to say i spent most of my time at home doodling, scrapbooking, and fixing up my room =) i'm hoping i can find the time to go to Ikea soon enough to finish decorating my room. This was a pretty short post but i'm trying to keep this blog updated as much as possible! Again, THANK YOU FOR FOLLOWING &ALL THE SUPPORT!...becos you guys have made my Monday


  1. You know, I've never been to Ikea! :( I've always wanted to go but I never get around to going. Is it as expensive as most people say?

  2. Not from the last time i was there! they have decent deals and prices when it comes to the furniture but for anything else (storage, decor) its incredibly cheap! i'm definitely going sunday lol
