Friday, February 26

Finally Friday...

(WARNING! this post is a little lengthy, sorry!)

so my apologies for such a lag on posting! its been quite a hectic week so its been difficult for me to find the time to blog about anything new without falling asleep first lol. well, last weekend was pretty fun and eventful! My boyfriend, his family, my best friend, her family, her boyfriend & of course myself all went to the infamous Sin City (Las Vegas, Nevada)! i find it ironic that most of our time spent in Vegas always consists of shopping and eating? haha but thats only because i have yet to reach the "legal" drinking age but thats now only 1wk & 4days away! Sad to say, i'm not as excited as i should be especially for the big 21, but hey maybe as the day comes closer i will? anyways, we ended up coming home around 5am on Monday, of which many of my friends had morning classes except for myself but i still missed my afternoon class! (oops) i really do hate not having an alarm cause without one i think i could sleep for days if i was left alone lol.

so as i got home, i came home to a package! i was pretty stoked (might i add, i LOVE getting mail, besides the usual bills) i had ordered this i think about 3wks ago? to my surprise it arrived in the mail a lot sooner than i had expected =) i'm not a promoter for any of their products, i was just curious about all the hype i had heard about Mario Badescu's Skin Care products so i decided to test it out myself with a few free samples! i love free samples! its not much, but there's a small container of their Herbal Hydrating Serum, Special Cucumber Lotion (i love both, feels like my skin has been face has been refreshed from all the dirt thats clogged my pores), Hyaluronic Eye Cream (its GREAT! for anyone with dark circles underneath their eyes as it keeps the area around your eye hydrated throughout the day), Flower &Tonic Mask, Oil Free Moisturizer and last but not least a Strawberry Face Scrub. I think these products may be the next best thing that has happened to me since Pro-activ? lol even better that their regular sized skin products are inexpensive ranging from around $6-60 so its highly recommended if anyone's interested or if you wanna just test it out before buying anything you can fill out a quick simple form on their website for a few of their free samples =) as the week went on, i had received another package in the mail! something i've been impatiently waiting for. i had been looking around for a small but simple wallet to carry around for my small hip bag & to my surprise there were a massive amount i found off of! i've now fallen in love with handmade accessories! so with that being said, i stumbled across this small handcrafted wallet that was incredibly cute and so simple i just had to buy it. about 6-7 days later, this little wallet appeared in my mail &i felt like a giddy little girl who had just gotten a new toy haha. Thanks, Danielle! so if anyones interested and hasn't heard of, i highly recommend others to check it out. its affordable &custom made so its less likely for others to have what you have! or that would be my reason at least.

so on a darker note, i don't know if its just me but it seems as though the older i'm getting, the stricter my parentals are getting? my mum &i have been feuding more frequently nowadays &whatever it is, i'm thinking its just the parents bringing work home with them which results in a lot of bickering with others for no apparent reason if you ask me. its getting quite ridiculous actually as i don't understand how i'm all of a sudden at fault for the mishaps that occur in this house. whatever it is, i just hope that this weekend will most definitely turn out for the better. &i hope everyone has a great, safe &fun filled weekend!

*oh & THANK YOU for those who are following me and commenting on my posts! its a great feeling to know that my blog is finally going into good use! so i hope more ppl will come across my blog &hopefully that will help me gain more followers thruout time. THANK YOU ALL!...becos its an amazing feeling to be a part of something great, like this blogging community =) ♥


  1. That wallet looks SO beautiful! I love handmade things too, they just feel so special, and the note is such a nice thought too. xoxox
