Friday, March 12

Just like heaven
-the Cure =)

Whoa, nelly. Its been ages! or so it seems. my sincerest apologies for falling behind on blogging =/ just seems as though something new is reoccurring every day &i'm just trying to keep up w/ all these changes. for instance, i can now visit Vegas & not feel so left out now that i am 21 =) oh and more importantly, ever since i had gotten my new phone, things have been really looking great & i love it! Just last week i had a job interview after i had discovered a month old voicemail from one of the stores i applied at. i was so stoked &surprised they still wanted to schedule an interview & even more stoked that i was hired not too long after! &let me add how DESPERATE i have been for a job within the past year. for the longest time, i missed working but i don't think it missed me haha. so today was my first day, nothing much just some training. everyone was friendly & i'm just hoping that this job is all that i had expected it to be. even better news, Spring is almost here! as much as i love Winter, i must admit i do miss the sun, just not too much of it lol. so as i mentioned earlier, i turned 21 just 3 days ago but it feels like forever! in celebration of my birthday, my best friend decided to take me out on a "Secret" date lol. this date turned out to be a dinner at our all time favorite sushi restaurant AND some red velvet cheesecake @the Cheesecake Factory after since i've never had any from there =) have i mentioned how awesome she is? i love her! haha. then on the day of my actual birth, my boyfriend, a few friends & i decided to catch happy hour &taco Tuesday @El Torito. it was my first but definitely not my last time there. then came Wednesday & my family was kind enough to take me out again! this time @ the Olive Garden. so far i've had Japanese, Mexican & Italian foodies within the past few days and i have enjoyed every bite haha. & now i have another birthday dinner 2mrrw with a few more friends & i really hope i'll be able to enjoy myself in great company w/o getting sick =/ lol so that pretty much concludes the past week &i'm only looking forward to all other events &adventures that are only weeks away (i hope). well i just wanted to end it here, until next time! hope everyone has a splendid weekend!

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