Monday, April 5

Happy April!

So looks like i am a whole month overdue for a post &its already April! times been flying by so fast &its tough keeping up! also looks like we're in for some "April showers" and i'm not quite sure how i feel about Cali's current weather...bipolar much? I do love the rain...but i have been waiting on some sun for awhile now. hmm guess we'll just have to wait and see how the rest of this month will turn out. of which i might add, so far, this months been great! 1 more wk 'til spring break. 1 more wk til payday. i've been ready for it for the past 2 wks now lol. even better...i actually scored some free tickets to see George Lopez live during a taping of Lopez tonight! =) i've been a big fan for awhile now &i'm overjoyed with the fact that i finally get to see him live &on the 1st day of spring break too! what a great way to start off the week. anyways, nothing much more to update on. hope everyone had a great Easter! &for those who felt the 7.2 Baja earthquake, i hope you're all okay :) i, myself felt the "sway" for a good minute or so while i was out with my family for lunch. scary! well i hope everyone has a great week &i hope to blog more frequently like i said i would :)


  1. Ugh, that earthquake. So I was at work in the backroom washing dishes, and I thought it was just me getting light headed or something cuz it was only a gentle sway. Then I looked up and saw our hanging supplies sway too. I was the only one in the store who felt it so everyone thought I was nuts until a customer asked if we'd felt it!

    And oh boy, this month is flying by, and so is this year. I can't believe it's already April!

  2. i know same here! i thought the very same thing until ppl stood up and started making their way out of the buffet. out of all places i had to be at the buffet too lol
