Tuesday, January 13

iLove Sam!

from iCarly & i am Legend (even if she did die a horrible death) =(

which brings me to realize how sad i Am Legend is since i just started watching it =( last time i watched this i was in tears lol. and Snakes on a Plane? wow talk about another poorly produced movie consisting of the usual fearful "snakes"...really? haha yeah looks we have HBO/Showtime movie channels in the meantime (its all free so yeah) anyways! things have been better. had quite an eventful wk/wknd last wk. so let's retrace back to where it all started since i last blogged! Frank & Sons on Wednesday with friends! That was my first and won't be my last visit haha. Its a fun filled mall for nerds? lol but i'm not one to say cos i enjoyed every bit of my visit =) then Friday came around so me and Elay met up with zeee kids and watched the Unborn. Scary! but funny lol so after we went to do some cosmic bowling! and i did NOT lose lol. & since then nothing much has happened but school and work =| anyways til then....PEACE!

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