Saturday, February 13

Forgive me but...

I'm still a noob with Blogspot so until i get the hang of it...excuse me! haha any tips or advice on how i can improve my page would help! I started this blog to vent out into the open (&i guess the public lol) anyways, now i would like to put this blog into GOOD use by blogging about just anything i could possibly come by. From movies to free stuff, i hope to blog about anything thats currently occurring in my ever so ordinary life and anything i find worth sharing to the community. Hopefully i won't be a bore so i'll try to update as much as possible!

On a brighter note...i'm sure there have been plenty of trailers and promotions for this but "You've Got a Very Important Date! MARCH 5TH!
I'm probably not the only one but i've been stoked about Tim Burton's remake of Alice in Wonderland ever since i heard about it last year! Ironically, the movie's release date falls on the same week as my birthday. What a steal! I'm not only excited to see one of my favorite childhood movies to come "alive" and out onto the big screen, but after reading Lewis Caroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland for my English class, i've been enticed by not only Caroll's background but more importantly the reason to why he began to write such a story! So i do hope that Tim Burton won't fail any of us! ...On a darker note...i am still phoneless as a result of my Blackberry's attempt to suicide by drowning in my toilet =/ as i ordered a phone off of Ebay about a week ago...i have grown quite impatient since i have not heard from the seller. I'm getting the vibe that there is NO phone. Even worse that i have to wait until the 14th to open a "case" about my situation in order to receive a refund from Ebay. Well i guess there's not much more i can do about it. I'll have to find myself a temp. phone hopefully at a cheap price until i can afford a brand new phone when its time to upgrade my line. What a disappointment. Well i don't want to make this blog any longer than it is so until then, farewell!...Because i have better things to do...or i should at least =)

Something to lighten up your day/night =)


  1. Yay Amanda! It looks great! :D

    BTW, what would you rather have me call you? Mandee or Amanda? Since, I mean, I've known you as Amanda since high school, lol.

    If you noticed, the blogosphere knows me as Belen, my last name. :P

  2. I know, I'm so worried that the movie will be stuffed up by Tim Burton as well. *fingers crossed!*


  3. I'm looking forward to this movie, I'm hoping it would be good! :) Love your blog layout, its so smart and elegant! :D

